
Our hack for today:
Ironing with a hair straightener works!

also, thank you tumblr for this revelation:

If there's a "heavens no" and a "hell yes" why isn't there a "purgatory maybe"?
(purgatory - serving to cleanse, purify, or expiate.)

This is our hack for today: this will blow your mind!

Hack for today:
If "Plan A" didn't work out, there are still 25 other letters in the alphabet!

Sophie and Hallee

Our first hack, and our hack for today, is this one, from @lifehacks on twitter:

6 Questions when you're making a tough decision:

1. What option would I choose if I definitely knew I would succeed?

2. What would I do if I didn't feel scared?

3. Who can I talk to who's been in my shoes?

4. What are the likely outcomes of my choices and decisions?

5.  What's the worst thing that could happen; what's the best thing that could happen?

6. Am I making this decision for myself or to please others?

Hallee and Sophie

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