Our Lives... because we're so interesting

Well guess what?
Sophie got into high school!
Well I mean, it's not like I wasn't planning on going to high school in the first place, but my plans kinda... changed over the past year. Since the sixth grade I'd had my heart set on this one school (let's call it HSM), and I had pretty much known that I was gonna go there no matter what. Then came the revelation that I was going to have to survive middle school with these idiots, and then spend another 4 miserable years with these imbecilic gorillas. That wasn't going to happen. I soon began to dread school; the people, the teachers, but still mainly the people. Until seventh grade, when we'd heard about this amazing charter school called d.tech high school, also known as design tech. For those of you who don't know, a charter school is basically a public school, but with different rules and a different curriculum. I found this school absolutely fascinating. Don't let the "tech" aspect of the name throw you though. The whole "d" aspect of the school was based around d.school at Stanford University, and the school itself had a different way of doing things, called design thinking. To me, design thinking basically means implementing real world problems into daily life and learning how to solve them, for yourself, and for other people. But to be honest, that's not the only thing that I liked. For once, I actually enjoyed being around the kids that went there. They weren't assholes, and they were extremely sincere pretty much both of the times that I had either interacted or talked to them. There was so much diversity, not just in race, but in gender identification, whether you were bi, gay, trans, or straight, nobody gave a shit. I liked that a lot. But still, that's not even it. Over there, you don't take an elective, and instead you take two week long immersion breaks for your elective. You literally get two weeks off of school to go learn something new with your friends.

Either way, I'm excited.


I am currently doing this during my English class... don't tell anyone.

xoxo, Sophie and Hallee

We have something to announce. Hallee is sick, so she might not be updating too much!
Sophie and Hallee

WELCOME to the newest edition of "Look How Clumsy Sophie Is!"
Let's start from the beginning, so my mom owns a store in a small town which I will call... Burlington. So in Burlington, there is this independent book store called Books Inc, and it's like a San Francisco based publishing company which I am currently obsessed with. Seeing as I happen to be at my mom's store quite often, I get quite bored, and I mean, who wouldn't? So I just go to Books Inc to entertain myself. Lately I've been obsessed with "Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Steven Chbowsky, and I'd been sitting there for a little over an hour,  just pouring myself into this freaking amazing book, and then I see the time, and I try to get up, my empty coffee cup in hand, and I try to take a step... and I fall over onto a bookshelf. My feet were frozen and I didn't even realize, and the lady nearby, she just gives me this totally weird look, and I totally get why, but then I just say awkwardly "my feet were frozen" and sheepishly hobble away. I made it back okay, but now I have a throbbing ankle.
I'll be back with more embarrassing stories later!

So hey guys, I'm alone in a dark room, typing...... which seems to happen a lot this past week. I have some new info for you guys today! I went home early today because I was feeling like death..... how fun.. not.

 I had the full package soreness everywhere, sore throat, headache, stomach ache, and fever. So finally lunch had come and it was raining so I went to my old science teachers classroom with Sophie and our friend Grace. By that time I was shivering, and in a lot of pain, so Sophie walked me to the office. While I was waiting for my dad to pick me up, I had to wait in this sad little room they called the Nurse's office. But there wasn't even a nurse, just a couple little student desk chairs, a sink, and a fridge. There I was waiting for my dad crawled up in a little ball in the tiny room.

This week a new relationship had started, and I'm usually so out of the loop with these kinds of things, but this time I found out the day it happened.... mainly because word/gossip travels fast at my school, especially when they are popular..... but not surprisingly they broke up today and I just found out from Sophie who knows about everything, right when it happens. But I shouldn't be surprised because that's a typical amount of time for people to date at my school.

Thats all for today,
xoxo Hallee

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