Sunday, March 1, 2015

People on Planes

I am an avid traveler, no question. But, unfortunately, sometimes, people get annoying and your whole flight just goes to hell. In honor of me coming back from Germany today, this is what annoys me on planes.

1. Crying babies

Back in California, my little sister is a year and a half, and although she's not the most cranky baby ever, she does have her fill of tantrums, unfortunately. Babies on planes do not mix.

2. People climbing over others

Personally, I like the window seat and I frequent the bathroom, so it annoys me to have to ask the person next to me to move, and it's even worse when they're asleep. What if you fall? Take it from me, next time you're on a plane, take the aisle seat.

3. People with bare feet

I mean seriously, it's unsanitary and it's freaking disgusting. Especially when that specific person's feet are especially... grody.

4. When people toss their hair over the backs of their seats

****tbh guilty as charged I have done this before and got a very... unhappy response from the person behind me. Only after that did it start to annoy me.

5. People who are coughing or hacking a loogie 

If you have a deathly cold YOU SHOULD NOT BE ON A PLANE I REPEAT YOU SHOULD NOT BE ON A PLANE. You are disgusting and infectious and I will stay the hell away from you even if you are a really cute boy. You are not worth my health.

6. The people who will not. shut. up.

Story time! When I was 11 I was on a plane back from Germany and I got sat next to this annoying little git who wouldn't stop blabbering about his most recent surgery and also ruined "The Avengers" for me. Since then my side-eye never fails.

7. People with middle seats

People with middle seats are sometimes kinda annoying, especially when you're the person with the aisle seat and the person next to you has an exceptionally small bladder.

8. People with aisle seats

Whenever I gotta go, it means I gotta go. When you are asleep and I gotta go, then we have a problem, mister. Especially when you give me that smug look of disapproval that I'm asking yet again to go to the bathroom. I'm only human!

9. Nosy flight attendants

Is my age seriously your most immediate concern??

If there's anything I missed, let me know!


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