Friday, December 19, 2014

Life As We Know It Has Taken A Vacay

So as many of you may know, the people in school have been let out for winter break today, including me and Hallee. Although Hallee got to miss half of the day because she got sick... not that that's a good thing. I lived my day vicariously through the people who were actually excited, while I was slightly indifferent. I mean, if I'm sleeping through the day already, there's no point in being excited, right?
For the next two weeks I will be trying to sleep while trying to ignore my siblings, watch a lot of netflix, and sit around blogging on tumblr and on here. Maybe eat a little too.
As for Hallee, she has more...  important things to do if you know what I mean.
So, what I'm trying to say is that make sure you're having fun over break, and don't be as miserable as I probably will be...

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