Sunday, December 21, 2014

Books, books, and more books

I have been waiting to write this post since we started this blog, but before you do, check out our brand new update on Our Lives! 
Either way, I have been waiting to write this post because I am such a bookworm. Book suggestions flow out of my brain like water out of a waterfall, if that makes any sense. Since the holidays are so close, and you know, who doesn't love a great book, I decided to share some of my favorite books with you.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
I read this book as part of a book club in my 8th grade English class, and I love the utter complexity of this book. It's about a character named Cady, or Candence, and so in her 15th summer at Beechwood Island, her family's island off of Martha's Vineyard she has an accident, and it's basically her journey through her recovery and remembering what happened. I love this book because it is so... intriguing, and it's so hard to wrap your brain around, and the writing is absolutely gorgeous, and it evokes such sorrow, and I honestly cried at the end. This book won the Goodreads Young Adult Fiction Award.

Confessions of a Murder Suspect  by James Patterson
I personally adore James Patterson because he is such an intricate writer, every single literary step he takes is so well thought out, and that is definitely demonstrated in this book. This book is about an elitist family in New York City, and stars a teen named Tandoori (no, she's not Indian, she's very white, her parents are just weird), or Tandy. One night, her parents are found murdered, and she and the rest of her family are found as suspects, and she becomes determined to prove she didn't do it. I love this book because it's like a map, you follow a trail to get to a destination. If you like this book, check out Confessions of a Private School Murder, the sequel.

A Blind Spot for Boys by Justina Chen
This book is really something. It follows Shana, a budding photographer whose father is going blind, and Quattro, a boy. Shana's father and her mother have a "Fifty by Fifty" list, meaning fifty places that they want to go before they both are older than fifty. When Shana's family receives the news that her father is going blind, they cash in their retirement money and ship off to Machu Picchu. Meanwhile, Shana bumps into Quattro, but is afraid to engage in a relationship with him because of her hiatus of dating. After her 22 year old boyfriend dumps her because of their unknown 6 year age difference, she is afraid to fall in love again. They somehow run into each other on Machu Picchu, and a huge tragedy brings them closer.


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