Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Goals

Before I start, I have to say that I think new years resolutions are BS. So I've come up with goals for the new year. I do this every year because I am too lazy to keep up with resolutions, so goals take a less... vague part in my life. 
These are mine this year:
  • GET IN SHAPE: keep a constant workout schedule and loose some weight!
  • READ MORE: I am a pretty avid reader, but I really want to start transitioning from online fanfics to more solid reading material.
  • DEDICATION: I want to dedicate myself more. To this blog, to relationships, to my friends, and to myself.
  • DO SOMETHING: This is just a personal reminder for me that I should go out and do something life changing. I want to write, I want to have people be aware of things that surround them.
Happy New Years, 
xoxo, Sophie

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