Saturday, January 17, 2015

Something You Should Never Do

There is something interesting that Hallee and I (Sophie) discovered this week:
We have a crush on the same guy...
Let's call him... Earl.
So there's totally a reason why we both find him attractive, I mean, he has these giant, gorgeous milky brown eyes, and these super freaking long eyelashes, like, God. He's taller than both of us, which is good, because we're both pretty tall. He's a smart alec, and he's not afraid to speak his mind and talk back, and he's intelligent, and athletic, and he can be stupid sometimes and he has a funny side.
Do you see our dilemma?
Hallee tends to think that having a crush on the same person is okay, because she thinks she doesn't have a chance with him.
Sophie, however, thinks that that is absolute BS because she's liked this guy for three years. Yeah, we know, that's a while.

In reality, we only have about a one in a million chance with this guy, which is why a third party has decided that the fact that we both like him is irrelevant.

Well thanks anyway. Feel free to leave your comments below.

Sophie and Hallee

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