Tuesday, January 6, 2015

18 Signs You Might Be An Ambivert

We have to say, both Hallee and Sophie are ambiverts. To say the least, being an ambivert is like being an introvert and and extrovert at the same time, and balancing the two sides.
Just as an example we'd like to mention Anna Kendrick, who is an amazing example of an ambivert.
All credit goes to buzzed.com

She balances the perfect amount of introvert and extrovert. And we love her.

1. When you're out in the world, you're probably not going to be starting conversations with strangers. 

Speaking from personal experience and being in middle school, we both know that earbuds block out the crazies and the weird noise made by immature imbeciles we call boys.

2. You're happy to meet new people, but not without having people you know surrounding you so that if and when you make the conversation awkward, they can whisk you away to go giggle.

This is totally something that both Sophie and Hallee would do, Sophie being Blair and Hallee being Serena.

3. If a topic of your interest comes up in a conversation, you will NEVER. STOP. TALKING. ABOUT IT.

Blah blah blah... blah blah, blah blah blah.

4. As soon as you're done talking, you're perfectly fine just nodding and listening to other people talk.

5. Spending too much time with people can get sooooooo exhausting.

*channels Serena*

6. The calm, collected person the people in public see is much different than the person that you're friends see.

If only the Serena and Blair friendship were realistic.

7. When you go out, you can be the life of the party, but when your energy level drops, all you wanna do is just go home and sleep.

zzzzzzz... zzzzz.... *snores really loudly*

8. You relate to both introverts and extroverts when it comes down to it.

Josh Hutcherson is just too relatable.

9. Small talk is annoying as eff. Just no.

I need my Prada, but I don't need your foolish questions.

10. Some weekends, you just need some alone time.

*becomes a zombie for two days*

11. Too much time alone though isn't productive and it gets boring real fast.

12. Some of the best weekends are the ones that you don't go home for 3 days.


13. Thinking before you speak is not a problem... sometimes.

14. You have a tendency to balance out whoever you’re with – if you’re with someone loud, you’ll be quieter. If they’re quiet, you’ll compensate for that.

Hee heee hee hee... hehehe.

15. You’re known to be quite intuitive and good at picking up signals that other people can miss.

Thank you Michael Cera!

16. Often, you just find yourself observing what’s happening around you.

17.  And at other times, you’ll be getting involved in the moment.

Shake your groove thing, baby!

18. So in the right context, you love attention, but more often than not, you don’t want to be the person everyone is looking at.

Stop staring, okay? Geez!

So next time you're in a group, just know that you'll fit in with the quiet ones, and the wild ones.

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