Saturday, January 17, 2015

Something You Should Never Do

There is something interesting that Hallee and I (Sophie) discovered this week:
We have a crush on the same guy...
Let's call him... Earl.
So there's totally a reason why we both find him attractive, I mean, he has these giant, gorgeous milky brown eyes, and these super freaking long eyelashes, like, God. He's taller than both of us, which is good, because we're both pretty tall. He's a smart alec, and he's not afraid to speak his mind and talk back, and he's intelligent, and athletic, and he can be stupid sometimes and he has a funny side.
Do you see our dilemma?
Hallee tends to think that having a crush on the same person is okay, because she thinks she doesn't have a chance with him.
Sophie, however, thinks that that is absolute BS because she's liked this guy for three years. Yeah, we know, that's a while.

In reality, we only have about a one in a million chance with this guy, which is why a third party has decided that the fact that we both like him is irrelevant.

Well thanks anyway. Feel free to leave your comments below.

Sophie and Hallee

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

18 Signs You Might Be An Ambivert

We have to say, both Hallee and Sophie are ambiverts. To say the least, being an ambivert is like being an introvert and and extrovert at the same time, and balancing the two sides.
Just as an example we'd like to mention Anna Kendrick, who is an amazing example of an ambivert.
All credit goes to

She balances the perfect amount of introvert and extrovert. And we love her.

1. When you're out in the world, you're probably not going to be starting conversations with strangers. 

Speaking from personal experience and being in middle school, we both know that earbuds block out the crazies and the weird noise made by immature imbeciles we call boys.

2. You're happy to meet new people, but not without having people you know surrounding you so that if and when you make the conversation awkward, they can whisk you away to go giggle.

This is totally something that both Sophie and Hallee would do, Sophie being Blair and Hallee being Serena.

3. If a topic of your interest comes up in a conversation, you will NEVER. STOP. TALKING. ABOUT IT.

Blah blah blah... blah blah, blah blah blah.

4. As soon as you're done talking, you're perfectly fine just nodding and listening to other people talk.

5. Spending too much time with people can get sooooooo exhausting.

*channels Serena*

6. The calm, collected person the people in public see is much different than the person that you're friends see.

If only the Serena and Blair friendship were realistic.

7. When you go out, you can be the life of the party, but when your energy level drops, all you wanna do is just go home and sleep.

zzzzzzz... zzzzz.... *snores really loudly*

8. You relate to both introverts and extroverts when it comes down to it.

Josh Hutcherson is just too relatable.

9. Small talk is annoying as eff. Just no.

I need my Prada, but I don't need your foolish questions.

10. Some weekends, you just need some alone time.

*becomes a zombie for two days*

11. Too much time alone though isn't productive and it gets boring real fast.

12. Some of the best weekends are the ones that you don't go home for 3 days.


13. Thinking before you speak is not a problem... sometimes.

14. You have a tendency to balance out whoever you’re with – if you’re with someone loud, you’ll be quieter. If they’re quiet, you’ll compensate for that.

Hee heee hee hee... hehehe.

15. You’re known to be quite intuitive and good at picking up signals that other people can miss.

Thank you Michael Cera!

16. Often, you just find yourself observing what’s happening around you.

17.  And at other times, you’ll be getting involved in the moment.

Shake your groove thing, baby!

18. So in the right context, you love attention, but more often than not, you don’t want to be the person everyone is looking at.

Stop staring, okay? Geez!

So next time you're in a group, just know that you'll fit in with the quiet ones, and the wild ones.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Gossip Girl - A Manifesto

Gossip Girl is something everyone should watch. Not just watch, but worship. **WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! From Blair and Chuck's tumultuous relationship, to Serena's numerous conquests, and the drama of the Upper East Side, this show is a ship without an anchor.

Hallee and I have both watched this show, and this is our list of 14 best characters and reasons why!

1. Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick)
Chuck is freaking fabulous... He has impeccable taste in clothes (after high school, sorry to say but those scarves were hideous) and he fights for what he wants, Bass Industries, his father, Blair. His inheritance and his stunning jawline are just part of an amazing package named Chuck Bass.
(his jaw is stronger than my wifi connection)

2. Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester)
Blair is a feminist, a fashion designer, and Queen B. She's best friends with Serena and she's Chuck's one and only. She's flawless, somehow she manages to combine Audrey Hepburn with Madonna in the way that she dresses, and her personality is completely incomparable to anyone else's. She runs the Upper East Side and rules it like a queen, even being able to banish Jenny Humphrey while throwing the most chic soirees.

3. Serena Van Der Woodsen (Blake Lively)
Sure, Serena has her fair share of screw-ups, but all in all, she is an extremely wholesome character. She is charitable, and she almost never takes her family for granted, no matter how messed up it is. She has her vices, drugs, sex, boys, but that doesn't get in the way of her extreme fabulousness. She rules the Upper East Side along with Blair, and her light attitude provides for a lot of opportunities, and a lot of takedowns. She can be conniving, and she is a lot sneakier than she seems, and if it comes to it, she can be a bitch too. She ends up being a successful movie person in LA.

4. Daniel Humphrey (Penn Badgley)
Dan is an outcast at first, but he makes his way into the inner circle by dating Serena in season 1. He's such a good boy on the outside, but on this inside (also the name of his debut book) he's the ultimate gossip. **SPOILERS AHEAD. You honestly never expect that he's Gossip Girl. To be honest, I never saw him that much behind the computer. He measles himself into everyone's lives, making a dent in their reputations and leaving ashes trailing behind him.

5. Georgina Sparks (Michelle Trachtenberg)
Georgina is the ultimate bitch. Not only does she take over Gossip Girl for a while, but she also takes Blair down. Twice, I think? She always has a plan to destroy someone, and even goes out with Dan. When she returns from Belarus pregnant, she pins the role of the father on Dan, who isn't even the real father, and then leaves her son Milo in Dan's slightly incapable hands. She goes away one summer, and comes back as a nicknamed "Jesus Freak". Nobody believes her act, and they're right to, she just reverts to her old ways, but then earns retribution by taking down Serena's fake cousin Lola/ Ivy.

6. Nathaniel Archibald (Chance Crawford)
Nate is the Upper East Side's Golden Boy. His broken relationship with Blair leads him strait into the arms of Serena, who he ends up with in the end. His father becomes a fraudulent businessman, and flees to the Dominican Republic, leaving his mom and himself to fend for themselves. Their money gets seized, and that leads them to troubled times, making him work hard to get back into his grandfather's good graces, not to mention his Vanderbilt trust fund. Later, he ends up becoming the Editor in Chief of the Spectator, a Gossip Girl type website empire with a degree from Columbia University and a membership to an elitist group of alumnae.

7. Juliet Sharp (Katie Cassidy)
Even though Juliet has a short appearance, she is amazing. She wants to get revenge on Serena for her brother who she thinks got put in jail because she signed an Affidavit that he raped her, when she didn't sign it, and he didn't do it. She swindles Nate into liking her, and in the end has both Vanessa Abrams and Jenny Humphrey working for her.

Ok, so next up is... *cue the drumroll

8. Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momsen)
Little J will always hold a special place in our hearts. Her story begins when she gets invited into one of Blair's parties, and she becomes one of her minions. Later, she begins to intern for Blair's mother's design label, Waldorf Designs, and meets a psychopath model named Agnes whom she starts her own label with, J Humphrey Designs. Later, Agnes burns all of her dresses and she returns to work for Eleanor, Blair's mother. Jenny then turns into a goth mobster, and sabotages a sweet 16 party that Serena throws for her. After Chuck's first proposal to Blair, Blair realizes she made a mistake, and finds Chuck in bed with Jenny. She then teams up with Juliet to take down Blair.

9. Eric Van Der Woodsen (Connor Paolo)
Eric is perfection. He comes out as gay in the 3rd season, and is best friends with Jenny until she becomes Queen B and dumps yogurt on him and his boyfriend Jonathan's head. All in all he's a good character because he's loyal and freaking gorgeous.

10. Lily Van Der Woodsen (Kelly Rutherford)
Lily has been married 5 times by the end of the series, and, well... she's kinda hopeless. She first gets married to Bartholomew "Bart" Bass, Chuck's father, and when he fake dies, she moves onto Dan's dad, Rufus Humphrey which complicates things for Dan and Serena, which shows that Lily kinda only cares about herself. Then, she faked Serena's signature on an Affidavit and got sentenced to house arrest. All in all, she's kinda a bad person who is selfish and bitchy.

11. Rufus Humphrey (Matthew Settle)
Basically, Rufus is an old fart with a band who gets married to Lily and gets mixed up with Ivy Dickens, Serena's fake cousin.

12. Ivy Dickens (Kaylee DeFer)
Ivy is an actress hired by Lily's sister Carol Rhodes to keep Serena's actual cousin Lola safe. When Lola turns up on the Upper East Side, she exposes Ivy as a fraud, and Ivy begins to mooch money off of Lily, her ex and Serena and Eric's father William, and Rufus. She then gets off of her bipolar medication and proceeds to go after Dan and tries to jump out of a window, but Georgina tells her not to. In reality, no one ever really liked her.

13. William Van Der Woodsen (William Baldwin)
The unlucky 13... William is just there to get ahold of his children, and then ends up running away with Ivy, but not before messing up Serena and Eric's lives, and before revealing to the world that Lola, Serena's real cousin, is his daughter.

14. Lola Rhodes (Ella Rae Peck)
This chick is Serena's real cousin, and her mother tries to hide her from the Van Der Woodsens because she thinks the Upper East Side ruins people, which in reality it does. Lola finds her way to New York when she gets accepted to Juilliard and ends up catering for one of Lily's events, and meets the whole clan. She ends up dating Nate and becoming a bitch, but in the meantime helps out with some of Blair and Serena's schemes. I think that's pretty much it?

Gossip Girl
aka Sophie and Hallee

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Celebrity Fashion Shaming: Christmas Sweaters!

So this holiday season, celebrities have made some... questionable choices... with what they have chosen to wear. Here at 30 celebrities who cannot pull of a Christmas Sweater to save their life:

First his haircut, and then this "gem" surfaced.

Hallee's reaction: Umm ok?

Frankly, I'm not surprised this happened...

Hallee's reaction:

Kanye, that sweater is too white for you. I mean, seriously?

Hallee's reaction:

This is actually undeniably super cute, so no complaints here.

Hallee's reaction:

Thank you JK Rowling for this treasure.

Hallee's reaction:

New Years Goals

Before I start, I have to say that I think new years resolutions are BS. So I've come up with goals for the new year. I do this every year because I am too lazy to keep up with resolutions, so goals take a less... vague part in my life. 
These are mine this year:
  • GET IN SHAPE: keep a constant workout schedule and loose some weight!
  • READ MORE: I am a pretty avid reader, but I really want to start transitioning from online fanfics to more solid reading material.
  • DEDICATION: I want to dedicate myself more. To this blog, to relationships, to my friends, and to myself.
  • DO SOMETHING: This is just a personal reminder for me that I should go out and do something life changing. I want to write, I want to have people be aware of things that surround them.
Happy New Years, 
xoxo, Sophie